Friday, December 05, 2008

What's the news in town?

The news is we are moving back to California! Woot!

It's been tough living away from our family, especially with Jackson. Everyone wants to be able to see him but it's a pain to fly out here. Flights are expensive, and there are almost no direct flights from California to Austin. A while ago Jill and I made the decision that we wanted to start looking at moving back. I've been looking for jobs for a while and nothing has worked out for me so far. But, Jill has had some really good luck. She applied to a bunch of jobs and heard back from one that she was perfectly qualified for. She did the phone interview for that job and they made her an offer the next day. Pretty awesome. The pay is decent enough that we can survive off of one income for now. If I'm lucky I may qualify for Texas Unemployment too, which would be really helpful while I'm looking for a job out there.

The job is in Carlsbad, which is just north of San Diego along the coast. We'll probably live either in Carlsbad or one of the other north San Diego county coastal communities. Living there will also give me some flexibility if I find a job in southern Orange County, like Irvine.

The plan is to be moved out there over the holiday break, and Jill will start her new job on the 5th of January. That's about 30 days away, and we've got a lot of work to do. Better get to it.

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