Wednesday, December 31, 2008

It's been a busy few weeks

We're at the end of the year, literally, and a lot has been happening for us in the past few weeks. Like I mentioned in our previous post we've moved to San Diego (or technically Carlsbad). It took a lot of doing, but we made it happen on a fairly quick timetable. Jill's mom came out and helped us pack and then, along with the help of her aunt Jenny, they drove the Scion to San Diego and brought Einstein along with them as Navigator. Jill and Jackson flew out from Austin to San Diego, and I coerced my sister in to making the drive from Austin with me. With the help from my good friend Bob, we loaded up a 26" Uhaul and attached a trailer with the VUE on it and started our drive out here. It should take about 19 hours for that drive, but that is for a normal car that can make decent speed. We we're driving that behemoth and could only make 45mph up some of those hills. Over two days we drove for a total of 27.5 hours, and traveled 1,337 miles. To say that drive sucked would be an understatement, but on a morbid note we did count 43 dead deer on the side of the road in Texas. It's a weird thing when you see Tara jump up and shout, "There's another one! That's 43 so far!"

We got a great house in Carlsbad, that's only a few miles from the beach. We just moved in a couple of days ago and are still in the process of unpacking everything. I'll post some pictures of the house when I get a chance to take some. It's great being back in California and we're excited that Jackson is going to be able to spend more time with his family.

Speaking of Jackson, his first birthday will be on January 4th. We've got lots of people coming and we hope that the weather stays good for the party.

I can't forget to mention that we took holiday photos, and I've posted those up. Please check them out!

Holiday 2008

Friday, December 05, 2008

What's the news in town?

The news is we are moving back to California! Woot!

It's been tough living away from our family, especially with Jackson. Everyone wants to be able to see him but it's a pain to fly out here. Flights are expensive, and there are almost no direct flights from California to Austin. A while ago Jill and I made the decision that we wanted to start looking at moving back. I've been looking for jobs for a while and nothing has worked out for me so far. But, Jill has had some really good luck. She applied to a bunch of jobs and heard back from one that she was perfectly qualified for. She did the phone interview for that job and they made her an offer the next day. Pretty awesome. The pay is decent enough that we can survive off of one income for now. If I'm lucky I may qualify for Texas Unemployment too, which would be really helpful while I'm looking for a job out there.

The job is in Carlsbad, which is just north of San Diego along the coast. We'll probably live either in Carlsbad or one of the other north San Diego county coastal communities. Living there will also give me some flexibility if I find a job in southern Orange County, like Irvine.

The plan is to be moved out there over the holiday break, and Jill will start her new job on the 5th of January. That's about 30 days away, and we've got a lot of work to do. Better get to it.