Well, we hit a little snag in trying to get out of the hospital. Yesterday, one of the nurses noticed that Jackson was having an elevated breathing rate which is one of the vital signs that they check for throughout the day. Apparently, the maximum normal breathing rate for newborns is about 60 breaths per minute, and Jackson was breathing at about 70 BPM. The nurse was a little concerned and had Jackson go be observed for a while in the nursery, and they called his pediatrician to come take a look. After the doctor came to take a look she said that all of his other vital signs appeared normal, his heart and lungs sounded fine, and he was not breathing under distress and that those were all good signs. However, the breathing rate was still a concern so she went to speak with the Neonatologist. After consulting with the other doctor they decided that it would be best to move Jackson to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) for observation just to make sure that he was OK. That sounds a little scarier than it is, but it's the best place he can be observed. There is almost a one to one ratio of nurses to babies in the NICU so he gets a lot of attention (Especially because he's so cute, they say).
After talking to the NICU doctor it seems that elevated breathing rates can be a sign of infection so it would be best to watch over him as infants can get very sick very fast. To check for infection they ordered a battery of tests includ blood counts, electrolytes, a chest X-ray, a blood culture, as well as I'm sure others that I'm not aware of. Most of those tests are quick and were back within a couple of hours with all negative results, and that was good to hear. However, the blood culture test takes 48 hours to perform, so they are going to hold on to Jackson at least until Wednesday afternoon to see the result of the test.
The other possibility is that he's just a fast breather for now and it will go away and they'll never find the cause of it. I spoke with the doctor again this morning and tried to get an impression of how she thought he was doing. She said that she felt very positive since all his vitals are good and the tests so far have been all good results. She also said that her "gut feeling" is that he's just fine and that we'll be able to go home tomorrow. We're all hoping that is the case.
Right now his breathing is still a little elevated, but it goes up and down all day. Jill and I are with him as much as we can be, and we're feeding him every three hours. Which is pretty tough when you can't get more than 3 hours of sleep at a time. But, we're there with him all day long.
Jackson is an incredibly strong little boy and we're sure that he's going to OK.