Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Jackson's Baptism

We went to Ventura this last weekend to celebrate Jackson's baptism. The pastor that married Jill and I five years ago, Rev. Dave Horning, did us the honor of officiating Jackson's baptism at the St. Paul's Methodist Church in Oxnard, Ca. It was a wonderful service and there were many tears in church that day.

The trip was fantastic, and it was wonderful to see all of our family. It's amazing and humbling to know that so many people love Jackson just as much as we do. We took lots of pictures and you can see them here:

Jackson's Baptism

Jackson did a great job on the trip and he slept or just hung out for the flights and didn't fuss too much. It's strange now being the person with the baby instead of the wary traveler who scowls at the families with young children.

Getting ready for Mt. Shasta

Jackson and I have been taking walks in the morning to help get me ready for my attempt in May to summit Mt. Shasta in California. Jackson adds about 13.5lbs to my walk, and I wear 5lbs ankle weights on each ankle to help build muscle strength.
