Tuesday, September 11, 2007


I had my little outpatient surgery for my stones yesterday, and I guess that it went about as well as can be expected. Probably the nicest thing was the folks at the North Austin Surgery Center , they are kind and most of all competent. I smoothly moved through the usually lumbering behemoth that is usually our health system in a quick and orderly fashion. They got me prepped for the surgery, and I only vaguely remember being given the general anesthesia. Next thing I remember is waking up with an oxygen mask on and the nurse saying it was all done. Of course when I had to "void" as they so antiseptically call it, I was bleeding from parts of my body that no one should ever have to bleed from. The Doctor came by and showed me some photos of the stones before and after the laser blast. I was still somewhat fuzzy in the head, but it sounded like he needed to clean out my tubes like Spanish Inquisitor (Sorry, I'm having a hard time coming up with a decent simile on pain meds). In the end, with one pair of ruined shorts I was set to leave. Also, I need to send "props" out to my friend Bob for helping me out and taking me home while Jill was in KC. Thanks Bob.

Thursday, September 06, 2007

Set lasers to kill

I went to the Urologist yesterday to see about my kidney stones. He didn’t like where they were and how big they are. He thought they were too big and might cause an obstruction. That being so, he’s scheduled me for a ureteroscopy laser litho/stent. Which essentially means they are going to spear me with a laser scope and blast the stones, and then, supposedly, remove them. Yay for me!